Fotos de Blue Lagoon (spa geotermal)

Bridge Over Warm Waters - Blue Lagoon, Iceland por Slipshod Photog

&quot;The lagoon is a man-made lagoon which is fed by the water output of the nearby geothermal power plant Svartsengi and is renewed every two days. Superheated water is vented from the ground near a lava flow and used to run turbines that generate electricity. After going through the turbines, the steam and hot water passes through a heat exchanger to provide heat for a municipal water heating system. Then the water is fed into the lagoon for recreational and medicinal users to bathe in.&quot; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>(geothermal_spa)
O spa geotermal Blue Lagoon (em islandês: 'Bláa lónið') é uma das atrações mais visitadas na Islândia. As águas quentes são parte da formação de lava. Leia mais
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