Fotos de Monte Tajumulco

Viaje a Xela - Montañismo - Volcán Santa María (264) por guillermogg

The Quest was the top of Volcan Santa Maria: a 6.5 km track until reaching the top of the volcano (3,700meters). The base was located at 2,300 meters above sea level. The view from the top includes the Pacific Ocean, the city of Xela, the volcanoes: Tolimán, Santiago, Atitlán, Fuego, Agua, Acatenango, Tacaná & Tajumulco and Santiaguito that had constant eruptions. The Quest was the top of Volcan Santa Maria: a 6.5 km track until reaching the top of the volcano (3,700meters). The base was located at 2,300 meters above sea level. The view from the top includes the Pacific Ocean, the city of Xela, the volcanoes: Tolimán, Santiago, Atitlán, Fuego, Agua, Acatenango, Tacaná & Tajumulco and Santiaguito that had constant eruptions.
O Monte Tajumulco ou vulcão Tajumulco é o ponto mais alto da Guatemala e da América Central (a sul do México) . É um estratovulcão extinto que atinge os 4.220 m de altitude e que fica no departamento de San Marcos. É a 24ª montanha do mundo em proem... Leia mais
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