Fotos de Dechencholing Palace

The Wall Of Prayer Wheels por Baron Reznik

Bhutan follows the Drukpa Kagyu school of Tibetan Buddhism. The state religion of Bhutan is Buddhism and the majority of the country follow the religion. This makes for some beautiful temples and monasteries throughout the country, along with a number of monks. <a href="" rel="nofollow">Read the rest of this entry at the Aisle Seat Please blog.</a>
Dechencholing Palace é uma atração turística, um dos Palácios no Cha-shih-ch'ü-tsung , Butão . Ele está localizado: 20 km Thimbu a partir de, 452 km Siliguri a partir de, 770 km Guwahati a partir de. Leia mais
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