Fotos de Catedral do Santo Nome (Chicago)

The Olde Organ por Stuck in Customs

My Music Playlist As I travel around the world, I've picked up an amazing collection of unique music. It's not for everyone, but if you like eclectic stuff that gets you in a right-brain mode, I think it's great. This first list I am releasing is my &quot;World Lounge Mix&quot; - I made an <a href=";s=143441&amp;v0=575" rel="nofollow">iTunes iMix</a> of it and added the mix to <a href="" rel="nofollow">Trey's Music List</a>! <a href=";s=143441&amp;v0=575" target="_self" rel="nofollow"></a><a href=";s=143441&amp;v0=575" target="_self" rel="nofollow"></a><a href="#//" target="_self" rel="nofollow"></a> Daily photo - The Olde Organ Okay, if you were in one of my workshops, you are not allowed to guess, because you heard the unexpected answer. But, of the rest of you, who can guess where this photo of this ornate organ was taken? Those in my workshop know because I worked on it during the festivities. It's so funny whenever I zoom into 100% and people ooh and ahh at the details. It's funny because I do the same thing! I know a lot of people say that 24 megapixel is overkill, but... well... it's just cool. I plan for the future when many people have 70 inch wall displays at 10,000 pixels across. I want to make sure my images are ready for them! from Trey Ratcliff at <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
A Catedral do Santo Nome (inglês: Holy Name Cathedral) é uma catedral católica localizada na cidade de Chicago, nos Estados Unidos. É a sede da Arquidiocese de Chicago, substituindo a Catedral de Santa Maria e a Igreja do Santo Nome, que foram destru... Leia mais
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