Fotos de Aqueduto de Segóvia

Aqueduct Bridge in Segovia, Spain por transitpeople

Ride the 11 bus into town from the train station, get off at Plaza Artilleria (glimpse-able through the top left arch) and there it is: the nearly two millenia old aqueduct, likely commissioned by Roman emperor Domitian in the 1st century, and still providing water to Segovia into the 20th.* Rotten ol' Al-Mamún of Toledo damaged 36 of the aqueduct's 167 arches whilst attacking Segovia in the 11th century. That was history's largest threat to the aqueduct's integrity. The stones are held in place by pressure and careful planning. No mortar. * But not anymore! Leave the cup in the hotel room. If thirsty, try a Segovia restaurant.
O Aqueduto de Segóvia foi construído durante os séculos I e II, no reinado dos imperadores romanos Vespasiano e Trajano. O aqueduto que resta tem 29 metros de altura e 728 de longitude total. 167 arcos (79 singelos e 88 dobrados). Foram empregados, g... Leia mais
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